Drive therapies towards the clinic with expert preclinical cell-based assay support

Passionate about implementing robust assays and supporting drug discovery to accelerate life-altering therapies to patients

My Services

Flexible arrangements available depending on your project needs. Let’s talk!

    • CRO management

      • design and monitoring of in vitro, ex vivo, in vivo studies

    • SAR campaign management

      • assay development, protocol implementation, template creation, data uploading, QC, IND report and patent filing authoring

    • Phenotypic assays

      • proliferation, apoptosis, cell cycle, DNA damage

    • Target engagement assays

      • in-cell western, NanoBiT, NanoBRET, qPCR, ELISA

    • Combination studies

    • Familiar with various databases and ELNs

      • (CDD Vault, Dotmatics, Arxspan, LiveDesign)

Master of Science in Microbiology, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Most recent position : Senior Scientist at NextRNA Therapeutics

  • Example of task or project:

    • Do you have established assays that need data collection, QC, and monitoring?

    • Do you need a protocol or IND section authored?

    Basic service :

    • ~2-5 hours/week of routine work

    • Short term finite task

  • Example of task or project:

    • Do you need to transfer an assay to a CRO then continue monitoring assay performance?

    • Do you have a project that requires more hands on guidance of a CRO? Do large datasets need to be processed and next steps decided actively and frequently?

    Intermediate service :

    • ~5-10 hours/week

  • Example of task or project:

    • Do you need to transfer an assay to a CRO, continue monitoring performance, then finalize with authoring IND section?

    • Do you need someone to develop an assay in your lab then transfer to a CRO for screening campaign?

    Advanced service :

    • ~10-20 hours/week

Research Experience


  • 17 years of hands-on research experience

  • 12 years of cancer biology and cell based assay development

  • Spanning small - large sized companies

    • Novartis, Aileron Therapeutics, Epizyme, Rome Therapeutics, NextRNA Therapeutics

Contributed to the following FDA-approved or clinical trial therapies:

  • TAZVERIK, EZH2 inhibitor, for R/R follicular lymphoma

  • SETD2 inhibitor, granted FDA Fast Track status and is currently under evaluation in a Phase I/Ib trial in adult patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Key Contributions:

  • Responsible for all cellular assay development and SAR campaign for SETD2 program, designed critical studies and generated reports for IND submissions for SET-101 filing

  • Led preclinical efforts to identify additional indication as part of life cycle management of clinical candidate SETD2 inhibitor EZM0414

  • Collaborated with numerous project leaders to provide guidance on combination potential of lead program compounds

  • As a key in vitro biology member of tazemetostat, designed and executed various timely ad hoc studies to support the clinical trials. Designed critical studies and generated reports for IND submissions

  • Conducted critical experiments in epithelioid sarcoma to support the preclinical package presented at ODAC (Oncology Drugs Advisory Committee meeting) for the vote of approval of tazemetostat

  • Designed in vivo studies for PK/PD/efficacy and successfully managed through CRO in the context of combination with standard of care and epigenetic inhibitors

  • Designed studies to understand mechanisms of acquired resistance to standard of care including generation and characterization of in vitro models for TAZVERIK

  • As the sole in vitro pharmacology scientist at Rome and NextRNA, communicated strategies, plans, timelines, and challenges to core teams, project teams, and leadership. Compiled all necessary cell-based assay data and protocols for patent filings.

Publications and poster presentations

  • EZH2 Inhibition by Tazemetostat Results in Altered Dependency on B-cell Activation Signaling in DLBCL

    Conformational-Design-Driven Discovery of EZM0414: A Selective, Potent SETD2 Inhibitor for Clinical Studies

    Discovery of a First-in-Class Inhibitor of the Histone Methyltransferase SETD2 Suitable for Preclinical Studies

    Small molecule inhibitors and CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis demonstrate that SMYD2 and SMYD3 activity are dispensable for autonomous cancer cell proliferation

    DOT1L inhibitor EPZ-5676 displays synergistic antiproliferative activity in combination with standard of care drugs and hypomethylating agents in MLL-rearranged leukemia cells

    • ASH (2021): Pharmacologic Inhibition of the Histone Methyltransferase SETD2 with EZM0414 as a Novel Therapeutic Strategy in Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma and Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma. J Totman, D Brach, et al.

    • AACR (2020): Aberrant SWI/SNF complexes lacking SMARCA2 or SMARCA4 differentially affect cell state and response to a novel SMARCA2/4 inhibitor. L Eichinger, C Pantano, V Motwani, D Brach, et al.

    • AACR (2020): Identification of a potent, orally-available SMARCA2/4 inhibitor with in vitro and in vivo activity in preclinical models of SMARCA4-mutant NSCLC. A Drew, L Eichinger, C Pantano, V Motwani, D Brach, et al.

    • Triple meeting (AACR, NCI, EORTC) (2019) Synergistic activity of tazemetostat in combination with androgen signaling inhibitors in preclinical models of prostate cancer demonstrates potential for clinical expansion. V Motwani, D Brach, et al.

    • ASH (2018): Identification of a First-in-Class SETD2 Inhibitor That Shows Potent and Selective AntiProliferative Activity in t(4;14) Multiple Myeloma: T(4;14) Multiple Myeloma Cells Are Dependent on Both H3K36 Di and Tri-Methylation. M Thomenius, J Totman, K Cosmopoulos, D Brach, et al.

    • Triple meeting (AACR, NCI, EORTC) (2015) EZH2 plays a critical role in B-cell maturation and in nonHodgkin's lymphoma: Interplay between EZH2 function and B-cell activation. D Johnston, D Brach, et al.


Interested in working together?

Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly. I can’t wait to hear from you!